Facets Celebrates its 45th Anniversary

Facets, christened “a temple of great cinema” by revered film critic Roger Ebert, celebrates its 45th anniversary today, Wednesday, May 20, 2020.

Since 1975, Facets has brought global, diverse audiences together to experience the power of film as a community. In celebration of this legacy, we’ll be exploring some important moments from our past (check out the first in the series) and we’re asking you to submit your own favorite Facets moments in this online form.

Facets was founded in 1975 by award-winning film critic and long-time WBEZ commentator Milos Stehlik, who died last July after a six-month battle with cancer. Born out of the burgeoning film society movement, Facets got its start screening rarely programmed international and independent films, like Gillo Portecorvo’s 1967 now classic The Battle of Algiers, in a church gymnasium on the North Side of Chicago.

“Facets’ legacy is so important because throughout the organization’s long, storied history there has been an unwavering commitment to expand the film community,” says Randy Adamsick, co-chair of the Facets Board of Directors.

“We have to remember that when Facets started out it was difficult to even find a copy of a film to watch. There was no Netflix, no Blockbuster, and there weren’t many – if any – film-related opportunities for kids and teens. Facets helped change that.”  

Now located on Fullerton Avenue in Lincoln Park, Facets has grown into a landmark destination for cinephiles, educators, and families and provides a one-stop-shop for all things film, including weekly screenings, children and youth education programs, a full-service video rental store, and the first Oscar-qualifying children’s film festival in the world, the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival.

“With Chicago under stay-at-home orders during a global pandemic, it is an uneasy time for celebration. But this crisis has allowed us to focus on our core mission: finding, exhibiting, and discussing brilliant international and independent films and inspiring young filmmakers,” says Karen Cardarelli, Facets Executive director, who joined the team in mid-February of this year.

“With our newly launched Facets Virtual Cinema and Virtual Animation Workshop, we are laying the foundation for Facets’ future and when Facets can reopen, our film community will exist through online programming as well as safe, in-person experiences.”

Support Facets: Help us sustain our mission during the COVID-19 pandemic by giving a tax-deductible donation today.

You can also support us by becoming a member for $10/month and by watching new independent films at our virtual cinema.